Source code for spatialist.auxil

# Convenience functions for general spatial applications
# John Truckenbrodt, 2016-2020
import math
import warnings
from osgeo import osr, gdal, ogr
import progressbar as pb
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt


[docs]def crsConvert(crsIn, crsOut): """ convert between different types of spatial references Parameters ---------- crsIn: int, str, :osgeo:class:`osr.SpatialReference` the input CRS crsOut: {'wkt', 'proj4', 'epsg', 'osr', 'opengis' or 'prettyWkt'} the output CRS type Returns ------- int, str, :osgeo:class:`osr.SpatialReference` the output CRS Examples -------- convert an integer EPSG code to PROJ4: >>> crsConvert(4326, 'proj4') '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ' convert a PROJ4 string to an opengis URL: >>> crsConvert('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ', 'opengis') '' convert the opengis URL back to EPSG: >>> crsConvert('', 'epsg') 4326 convert an EPSG compound CRS (WGS84 horizontal + EGM96 vertical) >>> crsConvert('EPSG:4326+5773', 'proj4') '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +geoidgrids=egm96_15.gtx +vunits=m +no_defs ' """ if isinstance(crsIn, osr.SpatialReference): srs = crsIn.Clone() else: srs = osr.SpatialReference() if isinstance(crsIn, int): crsIn = 'EPSG:{}'.format(crsIn) if isinstance(crsIn, str): try: srs.SetFromUserInput(crsIn) if gdal.__version__ >= '3.0': srs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) except RuntimeError: raise TypeError('crsIn not recognized; must be of type WKT, PROJ4 or EPSG\n' ' was: "{}" of type {}'.format(crsIn, type(crsIn).__name__)) else: raise TypeError('crsIn must be of type int, str or osr.SpatialReference') if crsOut == 'wkt': return srs.ExportToWkt() elif crsOut == 'prettyWkt': return srs.ExportToPrettyWkt() elif crsOut == 'proj4': return srs.ExportToProj4() elif crsOut == 'epsg': srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() return int(srs.GetAuthorityCode(None)) elif crsOut == 'opengis': srs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() return '{}'.format(srs.GetAuthorityCode(None)) elif crsOut == 'osr': return srs else: raise ValueError('crsOut not recognized; must be either wkt, proj4, opengis or epsg')
[docs]def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """ compute the distance in meters between two points in latlon Parameters ---------- lat1: int or float the latitude of point 1 lon1: int or float the longitude of point 1 lat2: int or float the latitude of point 2 lon2: int or float the longitude of point 2 Returns ------- float the distance between point 1 and point 2 in meters """ radius = 6371000 lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(math.radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) a = math.sin((lat2 - lat1) / 2) ** 2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin((lon2 - lon1) / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a)) return radius * c
[docs]def gdalwarp(src, dst, options, pbar=False): """ a simple wrapper for :osgeo:func:`gdal.Warp` Parameters ---------- src: str, :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` or :osgeo:class:`gdal.Dataset` the input data set dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.Warp; see :osgeo:func:`gdal.WarpOptions` pbar: bool add a progressbar? Returns ------- """ try: if pbar: options = options.copy() widgets = [pb.Percentage(), pb.Bar(), pb.Timer(), ' ', pb.ETA()] progress = pb.ProgressBar(max_value=100, widgets=widgets).start() options['callback'] = __callback options['callback_data'] = progress out = gdal.Warp(dst, src, options=gdal.WarpOptions(**options)) if pbar: progress.finish() except RuntimeError as e: raise RuntimeError('{}:\n src: {}\n dst: {}\n options: {}'.format(str(e), src, dst, options)) out = None
[docs]def gdalbuildvrt(src, dst, options=None, void=True): """ a simple wrapper for :osgeo:func:`gdal.BuildVRT` Parameters ---------- src: str, list, :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` or :osgeo:class:`gdal.Dataset` the input data set(s) dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.BuildVRT; see :osgeo:func:`gdal.BuildVRTOptions` void: bool just write the results and don't return anything? If not, the spatial object is returned Returns ------- """ options = {} if options is None else options if 'outputBounds' in options.keys() and gdal.__version__ < '2.4.0': warnings.warn('\ncreating VRT files with subsetted extent is very likely to cause problems. ' 'Please use GDAL version >= 2.4.0, which fixed the problem.\n' 'see here for a description of the problem:\n' '' 'sampling-error-using-gdalwarp-on-a-subsetted-vrt\n' 'and here for the release note of GDAL 2.4.0:\n' '') out = gdal.BuildVRT(dst, src, options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(**options)) out.FlushCache() if void: out = None else: return out
[docs]def gdal_translate(src, dst, options): """ a simple wrapper for `gdal.Translate <>`_ Parameters ---------- src: str, :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` or :osgeo:class:`gdal.Dataset` the input data set dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.Translate; see `gdal.TranslateOptions <>`_ Returns ------- """ out = gdal.Translate(dst, src, options=gdal.TranslateOptions(**options)) out = None
[docs]def ogr2ogr(src, dst, options): """ a simple wrapper for gdal.VectorTranslate aka `ogr2ogr <>`_ Parameters ---------- src: str or :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` the input data set dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.VectorTranslate; see `gdal.VectorTranslateOptions <>`_ Returns ------- """ out = gdal.VectorTranslate(dst, src, options=gdal.VectorTranslateOptions(**options)) out = None
[docs]def gdal_rasterize(src, dst, options): """ a simple wrapper for gdal.Rasterize Parameters ---------- src: str or :osgeo:class:`ogr.DataSource` the input data set dst: str the output data set options: dict additional parameters passed to gdal.Rasterize; see :osgeo:func:`gdal.RasterizeOptions` Returns ------- """ out = gdal.Rasterize(dst, src, options=gdal.RasterizeOptions(**options)) out = None
[docs]def coordinate_reproject(x, y, s_crs, t_crs): """ reproject a coordinate from one CRS to another Parameters ---------- x: int or float the X coordinate component y: int or float the Y coordinate component s_crs: int, str or :osgeo:class:`osr.SpatialReference` the source CRS. See :func:`~spatialist.auxil.crsConvert` for options. t_crs: int, str or :osgeo:class:`osr.SpatialReference` the target CRS. See :func:`~spatialist.auxil.crsConvert` for options. Returns ------- tuple """ source = crsConvert(s_crs, 'osr') target = crsConvert(t_crs, 'osr') transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source, target) point = transform.TransformPoint(x, y)[:2] return point
[docs]def utm_autodetect(spatial, crsOut): """ get the UTM CRS for a spatial object The bounding box of the object is extracted, reprojected to :epsg:`4326` and its center coordinate used for computing the best UTM zone fit. Parameters ---------- spatial: Raster or Vector a spatial object in an arbitrary CRS crsOut: str the output CRS type; see function :func:`crsConvert` for options Returns ------- int or str or :osgeo:class:`osr.SpatialReference` the output CRS """ with spatial.bbox() as box: box.reproject(4326) ext = box.extent lon = (ext['xmax'] + ext['xmin']) / 2 lat = (ext['ymax'] + ext['ymin']) / 2 zone = int(1 + (lon + 180.0) / 6.0) north = lat > 0 utm_cs = osr.SpatialReference() utm_cs.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') if gdal.__version__ >= '3.0': utm_cs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) utm_cs.SetUTM(zone, north) return crsConvert(utm_cs, crsOut)
def __callback(pct, msg, data): """ helper function to create a progress bar in function gdalwarp Parameters ---------- pct: float the percentage progress msg: str the message to be printed on each progress step data the data to be modified during each progress step Returns ------- """ percent = int(pct * 100) data.update(percent) return 1
[docs]def cmap_mpl2gdal(mplcolor, values): """ convert a matplotlib color table to a GDAL representation. Parameters ---------- mplcolor: str a color table code values: list the integer data values for which to retrieve colors Returns ------- :osgeo:class:`gdal.ColorTable` the color table in GDAL format Notes ----- This function is currently only developed for handling discrete integer data values in an 8 Bit file. Colors are thus scaled between 0 and 255. Examples -------- >>> from osgeo import gdal >>> from spatialist.auxil import cmap_mpl2gdal >>> values = list(range(0, 100)) >>> cmap = cmap_mpl2gdal(mplcolor='YlGnBu', values=values) >>> print(isinstance(cmap, gdal.ColorTable)) True """ cmap_plt = plt.get_cmap(mplcolor, len(values)) cmap = gdal.ColorTable() for i in values: color = tuple(int(round(x * 255)) for x in cmap_plt(i)) cmap.SetColorEntry(i, color) return cmap