API Documentation ================= Raster Class ------------ .. autoclass:: spatialist.raster.Raster :members: Raster Tools ------------ .. automodule:: spatialist.raster :members: apply_along_time, png, rasterize, stack, subset_tolerance, Dtype :undoc-members: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: apply_along_time png rasterize stack subset_tolerance Dtype Vector Class ------------ .. autoclass:: spatialist.vector.Vector :members: Vector Tools ------------ .. automodule:: spatialist.vector :members: bbox, boundary, feature2vector, intersect, vectorize, wkt2vector :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: bbox boundary feature2vector intersect vectorize wkt2vector General Spatial Tools --------------------- .. automodule:: spatialist.auxil :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: cmap_mpl2gdal coordinate_reproject crsConvert gdalbuildvrt gdal_rasterize gdal_translate gdalwarp haversine ogr2ogr utm_autodetect Database Tools -------------- .. automodule:: spatialist.sqlite_util :members: sqlite_setup :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Ancillary Functions ------------------- .. automodule:: spatialist.ancillary :members: dissolve, finder, HiddenPrints, multicore, parse_literal, run, sampler, which, parallel_apply_along_axis :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: ENVI HDR file manipulation -------------------------- .. automodule:: spatialist.envi :members: :undoc-members: Some general examples ===================== in-memory vector object rasterization ------------------------------------- | Here we create a new raster data set with the same geo-information and extent as a reference data set and burn the geometries from a shapefile into it. | In this example, the shapefile contains an attribute ``Site_name`` and one of the geometries in the shapefile has a value of ``my_testsite`` for this attribute. | We use the ``expressions`` parameter to subset the shapefile and burn a value of 1 in the raster at all locations where the geometry selection overlaps. Multiple expressions can be defined together with multiple burn values. | Also, burn values can be appended to an already existing raster data set. In this case, the rasterization is performed in-memory to further use it for e.g. plotting. Alternatively, an ``outname`` can be defined to directly write the result to disk as a GeoTiff. | See :func:`spatialist.raster.rasterize` for further reference. >>> from spatialist import Vector, Raster >>> from spatialist.raster import rasterize >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> shapefile = 'testsites.shp' >>> rasterfile = 'extent.tif' >>> >>> with Raster(rasterfile) as ras: >>> with Vector(shapefile) as vec: >>> mask = rasterize(vec, reference=ras, burn_values=1, expressions=["Site_Name='my testsite'"]) >>> plt.imshow(mask.matrix()) >>> plt.show()