Changelog ========= 0.4 | 2019-12-05 ---------------- - :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdalwarp`: optional progressbar via new argument `pbar` - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster` * enabled reading data in zip and tar.gz archives * :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.bbox` + renamed parameter `format` to `driver` + new parameter `source` to get coordinates from the image of the GCPs - :func:`spatialist.raster.stack` * improved parallelization * new parameter `pbar` to make use of the new :func:`~spatialist.auxil.gdalwarp` functionality - bug fixes 0.5 | 2020-04-21 ---------------- - compatibility of SpatiaLite tools with Windows10 - compatibility with GDAL 3 - new function :func:`spatialist.ancillary.parallel_apply_along_axis`: like :func:`numpy.apply_along_axis` but using multiple threads - new function :func:`spatialist.auxil.cmap_mpl2gdal`: convert matplotlib color sequences to GDAL color tables - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster` * method :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.write`: new argument `cmap` to write color maps to a file; can be created with e.g. :func:`~spatialist.auxil.cmap_mpl2gdal` * subsetting: option to use map coordinates instead of just pixel coordinates * method :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.array`: + automatically reduce dimensionality of returned arrays using :func:`numpy.squeeze` + cast arrays to `float32` if the native data type does not support :py:data:`numpy.nan` for masking missing data * option to read image data in all .tar* archives, not just tar.gz * new methods :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.coord_map2img` and :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.coord_img2map` to convert between pixel/image and map coordinates of a dataset - :class:`spatialist.vector.Vector` * better representation of the object's geometry type(s) with new method :meth:`~spatialist.vector.Vector.geomTypes` and additional info when printing the object with :py:func:`print` - :class:`spatialist.explorer.RasterViewer` * optionally pass custom functions to create additional plots using argument `custom` 0.6 | 2020-07-17 ---------------- - method :meth:`spatialist.raster.Raster.write` * optionally update an existing file with new arg `update` * partial writing with new args `xoff` and `yoff` * write external arrays with new arg `array` - new function :func:`spatialist.raster.png` - new function :func:`spatialist.raster.apply_along_time` - bug fixes 0.7 | 2021-06-30 ---------------- - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster`: option to subset objects by * band names * time range - :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert`: raise a `RuntimeError` if no corresponding EPSG code was found - module `spatialist.explorer` and associated demo data and notebook have been outsourced to 0.8 | 2021-09-07 ---------------- - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster`: * method :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.write` + removed argument `compress_tif` + added arguments `options` and `overviews` * subsetting support for time stamps, color tables and nodata * option to convert band names to time stamps by passing a function as argument `timestamps` * bug fixes - :mod:`spatialist.envi`: enabled reading of HDR files in ZIP archives 0.8.1 | 2021-10-05 ------------------ - :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert`: * use https for `opengis` links * apply ESPG validity checks when output format is `opengis` (not just when `epsg`) - :func:`spatialist.ancillary.finder`: * raise :class:`RuntimeError` (not :class:`TypeError`) if target is a file but is neither zip nor tar * raise :class:`RuntimeError` (not :class:`TypeError`) if target is a string but is neither directory nor file 0.9.0 | 2022-01-25 ------------------ - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster`: * method :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.write`: + remove unused argument `compress_tif` + add support for COG driver - :class:`spatialist.vector.Vector`: * method :meth:`~spatialist.vector.Vector.addlayer`: + enable all SRS type options supported by :func:`~spatialist.auxil.crsConvert` - :func:`spatialist.raster.rasterize`: allow value `None` for argument `nodata` - new functions: * :func:`spatialist.vector.vectorize` * :func:`spatialist.vector.boundary` 0.10.0 | 2022-02-24 ------------------- - :class:`spatialist.raster.Raster`: * method :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.write`: + TIFF tag writing via argument `options` (formats 'GTiff' and 'COG') + new argument `overview_resampling` + changed default format to 'GTiff' * improved mechanism for temporary VRT file writing: + old: written to :func:`tempfile.gettempdir` and never deleted + new: written to subdirectory 'spatialist' of :func:`~tempfile.gettempdir` and deleted during :meth:`~spatialist.raster.Raster.close` - :func:`spatialist.raster.png`: new arguments 'vmin' and 'vmax' 0.10.1 | 2022-03-02 ------------------- - :func:`spatialist.vector.boundary` bug fix 0.11.0 | 2022-06-01 ------------------- - :func:`spatialist.auxil.crsConvert`: new argument `wkt_format` - :meth:`spatialist.raster.Raster.bbox`: set default of argument 'driver' to `None` - :func:`spatialist.ancillary.sampler`: new function - bug fixes 0.12.0 | 2022-12-21 ------------------- - replace argument `options` with general keyword arguments `kwargs` in functions + :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdalwarp` + :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdalbuildvrt` + :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdal_translate` + :func:`spatialist.auxil.ogr2ogr` + :func:`spatialist.auxil.gdal_rasterize` 0.12.1 | 2023-11-16 ------------------- - installation via `pyproject.toml` instead of `` - :func:`spatialist.ancillary.finder`: support for zipfiles with implicit directories 0.13.0 | 2024-04-11 ------------------- - add progress bar to :func:`spatialist.ancillary.multicore` (non-Windows only)