Source code for spatialist.raster

# GDAL wrapper for convenient raster data handling and processing
# John Truckenbrodt 2015-2022
# Marco Wolsza 2021-2022
from __future__ import division
import os
import re
import platform
import warnings
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from math import sqrt, floor, ceil
from time import gmtime, strftime
import numpy as np

from . import envi
from .auxil import gdalwarp, gdalbuildvrt, gdal_translate
from .vector import Vector, bbox, crsConvert, intersect
from .ancillary import dissolve, multicore, parallel_apply_along_axis
from .envi import HDRobject

from osgeo import gdal, gdal_array, osr
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly, GA_Update

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

os.environ['GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR'] = tempfile.gettempdir()


subset_tolerance = 0  # percent
this parameter can be set to increase the pixel tolerance in percent when subsetting
:class:`Raster` objects with the extent of other spatial objects.

| Coordinates are in EPSG:32632, pixel resolution of the image to be subsetted is 90 m:
| (subsetting extent)
| {'xmin': 534093.341, 'xmax': 830103.341, 'ymin': 5030609.645, 'ymax': 5250929.645}
| subset_tolerance = 0
| {'xmin': 534003.341, 'xmax': 830103.341, 'ymin': 5030519.645, 'ymax': 5250929.645}
| subset_tolerance = 0.02
| {'xmin': 534093.341, 'xmax': 830103.341, 'ymin': 5030609.645, 'ymax': 5250929.645}

[docs] class Raster(object): """ This is intended as a raster meta information handler with options for reading and writing raster data in a convenient manner by simplifying the numerous options provided by the `GDAL <>`_ python binding. Several methods are provided along with this class to directly modify the raster object in memory or directly write a newly created file to disk (without modifying the raster object itself). Upon initializing a Raster object, only metadata is loaded. The actual data can be, for example, loaded to memory by calling methods :meth:`matrix` or :meth:`load`. Parameters ---------- filename: str or list or osgeo.gdal.Dataset the raster file(s)/object to read list_separate: bool treat a list of files as separate layers or otherwise as a single layer? The former is intended for single layers of a stack, the latter for tiles of a mosaic. timestamps: list[str] or function or None the time information for each layer or a function converting band names to a :obj:`datetime.datetime` object """ def __init__(self, filename, list_separate=True, timestamps=None): if isinstance(filename, gdal.Dataset): self.raster = filename self.filename = self.files[0] if self.files is not None else None elif isinstance(filename, str): self.filename = filename if os.path.isabs(filename) else os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) filename = self.__prependVSIdirective(filename) self.raster = gdal.Open(filename, GA_ReadOnly) elif isinstance(filename, list): if len(filename) < 2: raise RuntimeError("'filename' is a list with less than two elements") filename = self.__prependVSIdirective(filename) self.filename = self.__create_tmp_name(suffix='.vrt') self.raster = gdalbuildvrt(src=filename, dst=self.filename, separate=list_separate, void=False) else: raise RuntimeError('raster input must be of type str, list or gdal.Dataset; is: {}' .format(type(filename).__name__)) # a list to contain arrays self.__data = [None] * self.bands if self.format == 'ENVI': hdrfile = os.path.splitext(re.sub('/vsi(?:zip|tar)/', '', self.filename))[0] + '.hdr' with HDRobject(hdrfile) as hdr: if hasattr(hdr, 'band_names'): self.bandnames = hdr.band_names else: self.bandnames = ['band{}'.format(x) for x in range(1, self.bands + 1)] elif self.format == 'VRT': vrt_tilenames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in self.files[1:]] if len(vrt_tilenames) == self.bands: self.bandnames = vrt_tilenames elif self.bands == 1: self.bandnames = ['mosaic'] else: self.bandnames = ['band{}'.format(x) for x in range(1, self.bands + 1)] if isinstance(timestamps, list): if len(timestamps) != len(self.bandnames): raise RuntimeError('the number of time stamps is different to the number of bands') self.timestamps = timestamps elif callable(timestamps): self.timestamps = [timestamps(x) for x in self.bandnames] else: self.timestamps = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __str__(self): vals = dict() vals['rows'], vals['cols'], vals['bands'] = self.dim vals.update(self.geo) vals['proj4'] = self.proj4 vals['epsg'] = self.epsg vals['filename'] = self.filename if self.filename is not None else 'memory' if self.timestamps is not None: t0 = min(self.timestamps) t1 = max(self.timestamps) vals['time'] = 'time range : {0} .. {1}\n'.format(t0, t1) else: vals['time'] = '' info = 'class : spatialist Raster object\n' \ 'dimensions : {rows}, {cols}, {bands} (rows, cols, bands)\n' \ 'resolution : {xres}, {yres} (x, y)\n' \ '{time}' \ 'extent : {xmin}, {xmax}, {ymin}, {ymax} (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)\n' \ 'coord. ref.: {proj4} (EPSG:{epsg})\n' \ 'data source: {filename}'.format(**vals) return info
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ subset the object by slices or vector geometry. If slices are provided, one slice for each raster dimension needs to be defined. I.e., if the raster object contains several image bands, three slices are necessary. Integer slices are treated as pixel coordinates and float slices as map coordinates. If a :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` geometry is defined, it is internally projected to the raster CRS if necessary, its extent derived, and the extent converted to raster pixel slices, which are then used for subsetting. Parameters ---------- index: :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`slice` or :obj:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` the subsetting indices to be used Returns ------- Raster a new raster object referenced through an in-memory GDAL VRT file Examples -------- >>> filename = 'test' >>> with Raster(filename) as ras: >>> print(ras) class : spatialist Raster object dimensions : 2908, 2069, 115 (rows, cols, bands) resolution : 20.0, -20.0 (x, y) extent : 713315.198, 754695.198, 4068985.595, 4127145.595 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref.: +proj=utm +zone=29 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs data source: test >>> >>> >>> xmin = 0 >>> xmax = 100 >>> ymin = 4068985.595 >>> ymax = 4088985.595 >>> with Raster(filename)[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :] as ras: >>> print(ras) class : spatialist Raster object dimensions : 1000, 100, 115 (rows, cols, bands) resolution : 20.0, -20.0 (x, y) extent : 713315.198, 715315.198, 4068985.595, 4088985.595 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref.: +proj=utm +zone=29 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs data source: /tmp/tmpk5weyhhq.vrt >>> >>> >>> ext = {'xmin': 713315.198, 'xmax': 715315.198, 'ymin': ymin, 'ymax': ymax} >>> >>> with bbox(ext, crs=32629) as vec: >>> with Raster(filename)[vec] as ras: >>> print(ras) class : spatialist Raster object dimensions : 1000, 100, 115 (rows, cols, bands) resolution : 20.0, -20.0 (x, y) extent : 713315.198, 715315.198, 4068985.595, 4088985.595 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref.: +proj=utm +zone=29 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs data source: /tmp/tmps4rc9o09.vrt """ if not isinstance(index, (slice, tuple, Vector)): raise TypeError('index must be of type tuple, slice or spatialist.Vector') # subsetting via Vector object if isinstance(index, Vector): geomtypes = list(set(index.geomTypes)) if len(geomtypes) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Raster subsetting is only supported for Vector objects with one type of geometry') geomtype = geomtypes[0] if geomtype == 'POLYGON': # intersect bounding boxes of vector and raster object inter = intersect(index.bbox(), self.bbox()) if inter is None: raise RuntimeError('no intersection between Raster and Vector object') else: raise RuntimeError('Raster subsetting is only supported for POLYGON geometries') # get raster indexing slices from intersect bounding box extent sl = self.__extent2slice(inter.extent) # subset raster object with slices with self[sl] as sub: # mask subsetted raster object with vector geometries masked = sub.__maskbyvector(inter, nodata=self.nodata) inter = None return masked ##################################################################################################### # subsetting via slices if isinstance(index, tuple): ras_dim = 2 if self.raster.RasterCount == 1 else 3 if ras_dim != len(index): raise IndexError( 'mismatch of index length ({0}) and raster dimensions ({1})'.format(len(index), ras_dim)) for i in [0, 1]: if hasattr(index[i], 'step') and index[i].step is not None: raise IndexError('step slicing of {} is not allowed'.format(['rows', 'cols'][i])) index = list(index) # treat float indices as map coordinates and convert them to image coordinates yi = index[0] if isinstance(yi, float): yi = self.coord_map2img(y=yi) if isinstance(yi, slice): if isinstance(yi.start, float) or isinstance(yi.stop, float): start = None if yi.stop is None else self.coord_map2img(y=yi.stop) stop = None if yi.start is None else self.coord_map2img(y=yi.start) yi = slice(start, stop) xi = index[1] if isinstance(xi, float): xi = self.coord_map2img(x=xi) if isinstance(xi, slice): if isinstance(xi.start, float) or isinstance(xi.stop, float): start = None if xi.start is None else self.coord_map2img(x=xi.start) stop = None if xi.stop is None else self.coord_map2img(x=xi.stop) xi = slice(start, stop) # create index lists from subset slices subset = dict() subset['rows'] = list(range(0, self.rows))[yi] subset['cols'] = list(range(0, self.cols))[xi] for key in ['rows', 'cols']: if not isinstance(subset[key], list): subset[key] = [subset[key]] if len(index) > 2: bi = index[2] if isinstance(bi, str): bi = self.bandnames.index(bi) elif isinstance(bi, datetime): bi = self.timestamps.index(bi) elif isinstance(bi, int): pass elif isinstance(bi, slice): if isinstance(bi.start, int): start = bi.start elif isinstance(bi.start, str): start = self.bandnames.index(bi.start) elif isinstance(bi.start, datetime): larger = [x for x in self.timestamps if x > bi.start] tdiff = [x - bi.start for x in larger] closest = larger[tdiff.index(min(tdiff))] start = self.timestamps.index(closest) elif bi.start is None: start = None else: raise TypeError('band indices must be either int or str') if isinstance(bi.stop, int): stop = bi.stop elif isinstance(bi.stop, str): stop = self.bandnames.index(bi.stop) elif isinstance(bi.stop, datetime): smaller = [x for x in self.timestamps if x < bi.stop] tdiff = [bi.start - x for x in smaller] closest = smaller[tdiff.index(min(tdiff))] stop = self.timestamps.index(closest) elif bi.stop is None: stop = None else: raise TypeError('band indices must be either int or str') bi = slice(start, stop) else: raise TypeError('band indices must be either int or str') index[2] = bi subset['bands'] = list(range(0, self.bands))[index[2]] if not isinstance(subset['bands'], list): subset['bands'] = [subset['bands']] else: subset['bands'] = [0] if len(subset['rows']) == 0 or len(subset['cols']) == 0 or len(subset['bands']) == 0: raise RuntimeError('no suitable subset for defined slice:\n {}'.format(index)) # update geo dimensions from subset list indices geo = self.geo geo['xmin'] = self.coord_img2map(x=min(subset['cols'])) geo['ymax'] = self.coord_img2map(y=min(subset['rows'])) geo['xmax'] = self.coord_img2map(x=max(subset['cols']) + 1) geo['ymin'] = self.coord_img2map(y=max(subset['rows']) + 1) # options for creating a GDAL VRT data set opts = dict() opts['xRes'], opts['yRes'] = self.res opts['outputSRS'] = self.projection opts['srcNodata'] = self.nodata opts['VRTNodata'] = self.nodata opts['bandList'] = [x + 1 for x in subset['bands']] opts['outputBounds'] = (geo['xmin'], geo['ymin'], geo['xmax'], geo['ymax']) # create a temporary VRT file and return the output raster dataset as new Raster object outname = self.__create_tmp_name(suffix='.vrt') out_ds = gdalbuildvrt(src=self.filename, dst=outname, void=False, **opts) timestamps = self.timestamps if len(index) > 2: bandnames = self.bandnames[index[2]] if timestamps is not None: timestamps = timestamps[index[2]] else: bandnames = self.bandnames if not isinstance(bandnames, list): bandnames = [bandnames] if timestamps is not None and not isinstance(timestamps, list): timestamps = [timestamps] out = Raster(out_ds) out.bandnames = bandnames out.timestamps = timestamps return out
@staticmethod def __create_tmp_name(suffix): tmpdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'spatialist') os.makedirs(tmpdir, exist_ok=True) return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix, dir=tmpdir).name def __extent2slice(self, extent): extent_bbox = bbox(extent, self.projection) inter = intersect(self.bbox(), extent_bbox) extent_bbox.close() if inter: ext_inter = inter.extent ext_ras = self.geo xres, yres = self.res tolerance_x = xres * subset_tolerance / 100 tolerance_y = yres * subset_tolerance / 100 colmin = int(floor((ext_inter['xmin'] - ext_ras['xmin'] + tolerance_x) / xres)) colmax = int(ceil((ext_inter['xmax'] - ext_ras['xmin'] - tolerance_x) / xres)) rowmin = int(floor((ext_ras['ymax'] - ext_inter['ymax'] + tolerance_y) / yres)) rowmax = int(ceil((ext_ras['ymax'] - ext_inter['ymin'] - tolerance_y) / yres)) inter.close() if self.bands == 1: return slice(rowmin, rowmax), slice(colmin, colmax) else: return slice(rowmin, rowmax), slice(colmin, colmax), slice(0, self.bands) else: raise RuntimeError('extent does not overlap with raster object') def __maskbyvector(self, vec, outname=None, format='GTiff', nodata=0): if outname is not None: driver_name = format else: driver_name = 'MEM' with rasterize(vec, self) as vecmask: mask = vecmask.matrix() driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver_name) outDataset = driver.Create(outname if outname is not None else '', self.cols, self.rows, self.bands, Dtype(self.dtype).gdalint) driver = None outDataset.SetMetadata(self.raster.GetMetadata()) keys = ['xmin', 'xres', 'rotation_x', 'ymax', 'rotation_y', 'yres'] outDataset.SetGeoTransform([self.geo[x] for x in keys]) if self.projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(self.projection) for i in range(1, self.bands + 1): outband = outDataset.GetRasterBand(i) if nodata is not None: outband.SetNoDataValue(nodata) mat = self.matrix(band=i) mat = mat * mask outband.WriteArray(mat) del mat inband = self.raster.GetRasterBand(i) cmap = inband.GetRasterColorTable() if cmap is not None: outband.SetRasterColorTable(cmap) cmap = None inband = None outband.FlushCache() outband = None if outname is not None: if format == 'GTiff': outDataset.SetMetadataItem('TIFFTAG_DATETIME', strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime())) elif format == 'ENVI': with HDRobject(outname + '.hdr') as hdr: hdr.band_names = self.bandnames hdr.write() outDataset = None else: out = Raster(outDataset) out.bandnames = self.bandnames out.timestamps = self.timestamps return out def __prependVSIdirective(self, filename): """ prepend one of /vsizip/ or /vsitar/ to the file name if a zip of tar archive. Parameters ---------- filename: str or list the file name, e.g. archive.tar.gz/filename Returns ------- """ if isinstance(filename, str): if'\.zip', filename) and not'/vsizip/', filename): filename = '/vsizip/' + filename if'\.tar', filename) and not'/vsitar/', filename): filename = '/vsitar/' + filename elif isinstance(filename, list): filename = [self.__prependVSIdirective(x) for x in filename] return filename
[docs] def allstats(self, approximate=False): """ Compute some basic raster statistics Parameters ---------- approximate: bool approximate statistics from overviews or a subset of all tiles? Returns ------- list[dict] a list with a dictionary of statistics for each band. Keys: `min`, `max`, `mean`, `sdev`. See :meth:`osgeo.gdal.Band.ComputeStatistics`. """ statcollect = [] for x in self.layers(): try: stats = x.ComputeStatistics(approximate) except RuntimeError: stats = None stats = dict(zip(['min', 'max', 'mean', 'sdev'], stats)) statcollect.append(stats) return statcollect
[docs] def array(self): """ read all raster bands into a numpy ndarray Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the array containing all raster data """ # determine whether the current data type can hold np.nan if not np.can_cast('float32', Dtype(self.dtype).numpystr): buf_type = gdal.GDT_Float32 else: buf_type = Dtype(self.dtype).gdalint if self.bands == 1: return self.matrix() else: arr = self.raster.ReadAsArray(buf_type=buf_type).transpose(1, 2, 0) if isinstance(self.nodata, list): for i in range(0, self.bands): arr[:, :, i][arr[:, :, i] == self.nodata[i]] = np.nan else: arr[arr == self.nodata] = np.nan return np.squeeze(arr)
[docs] def assign(self, array, band): """ assign an array to an existing Raster object Parameters ---------- array: numpy.ndarray the array to be assigned to the Raster object band: int the index of the band to assign to Returns ------- """ self.__data[band] = array
@property def bands(self): """ Returns ------- int the number of image bands """ return self.raster.RasterCount @property def bandnames(self): """ Returns ------- list the names of the bands """ return self.__bandnames @bandnames.setter def bandnames(self, names): """ set the names of the raster bands Parameters ---------- names: list of str the names to be set; must be of same length as the number of bands Returns ------- """ if not isinstance(names, list): raise TypeError('the names to be set must be of type list') if len(names) != self.bands: raise ValueError( 'length mismatch of names to be set ({}) and number of bands ({})'.format(len(names), self.bands)) self.__bandnames = names
[docs] def bbox(self, outname=None, driver=None, overwrite=True, source='image'): """ Parameters ---------- outname: str or None the name of the file to write; If `None`, the bounding box is returned as :class:`~spatialist.vector.Vector` object driver: str or None The file format to write. `None`: auto-detect from filename extension. overwrite: bool overwrite an already existing file? source: str get the bounding box of either the image ('image') or the ground control points ('gcp'). Returns ------- Vector or None the bounding box vector object if `outname` is not `None` and `None` otherwise. See Also -------- :func:`spatialist.vector.bbox` """ if source == 'image': extent = self.extent crs = self.projection elif source == 'gcp': gcps = self.raster.GetGCPs() gcpx = [x.GCPX for x in gcps] gcpy = [x.GCPY for x in gcps] extent = dict() extent['xmin'] = min(gcpx) extent['xmax'] = max(gcpx) extent['ymin'] = min(gcpy) extent['ymax'] = max(gcpy) crs = self.raster.GetGCPProjection() else: raise RuntimeError("parameter 'source' must be either 'image' or 'gcp'") if outname is None: return bbox(coordinates=extent, crs=crs) else: bbox(coordinates=extent, crs=crs, outname=outname, driver=driver, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def close(self): """ closes the GDAL raster file connection Returns ------- """ self.raster = None if self.filename is not None: tmpdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'spatialist') if os.path.dirname(self.filename) == tmpdir: os.remove(self.filename)
@property def cols(self): """ Returns ------- int the number of image columns """ return self.raster.RasterXSize
[docs] def coord_map2img(self, x=None, y=None): """ convert map coordinates in the raster CRS to image pixel coordinates. Either x, y or both must be defined. Parameters ---------- x: int or float the x coordinate y: int or float the y coordinate Returns ------- int or tuple the converted coordinate for either x, y or both """ if x is None and y is None: raise TypeError("both 'x' and 'y' cannot be None") out = [] if x is not None: out.append(int((x - self.geo['xmin']) / self.geo['xres'])) if y is not None: out.append(int((self.geo['ymax'] - y) / abs(self.geo['yres']))) return tuple(out) if len(out) > 1 else out[0]
[docs] def coord_img2map(self, x=None, y=None): """ convert image pixel coordinates to map coordinates in the raster CRS. Either x, y or both must be defined. Parameters ---------- x: int or float the x coordinate y: int or float the y coordinate Returns ------- float or tuple the converted coordinate for either x, y or both """ if x is None and y is None: raise TypeError("both 'x' and 'y' cannot be None") out = [] if x is not None: out.append(self.geo['xmin'] + self.geo['xres'] * x) if y is not None: out.append(self.geo['ymax'] - abs(self.geo['yres']) * y) return tuple(out) if len(out) > 1 else out[0]
@property def dim(self): """ Returns ------- tuple (rows, columns, bands) """ return (self.rows, self.cols, self.bands) @property def driver(self): """ Returns ------- osgeo.gdal.Driver a GDAL raster driver object. """ return self.raster.GetDriver() @property def dtype(self): """ Returns ------- str the data type description; e.g. `Float32` """ return gdal.GetDataTypeName(self.raster.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) @property def epsg(self): """ Returns ------- int the CRS EPSG code """ try: code = crsConvert(self.projection, 'epsg') except RuntimeError: code = None return code @property def extent(self): """ Returns ------- dict the extent of the image """ return {key: self.geo[key] for key in ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax']}
[docs] def extract(self, px, py, radius=1, nodata=None): """ extract weighted average of pixels intersecting with a defined radius to a point. Parameters ---------- px: int or float the x coordinate in units of the Raster SRS py: int or float the y coordinate in units of the Raster SRS radius: int or float the radius around the point to extract pixel values from; defined as multiples of the pixel resolution nodata: int a value to ignore from the computations; If `None`, the nodata value of the Raster object is used Returns ------- int or float the the weighted average of all pixels within the defined radius """ if not self.geo['xmin'] <= px <= self.geo['xmax']: raise RuntimeError('px is out of bounds') if not self.geo['ymin'] <= py <= self.geo['ymax']: raise RuntimeError('py is out of bounds') if nodata is None: nodata = self.nodata xres, yres = self.res hx = xres / 2.0 hy = yres / 2.0 xlim = float(xres * radius) ylim = float(yres * radius) # compute minimum x and y pixel coordinates xmin = int(floor((px - self.geo['xmin'] - xlim) / xres)) ymin = int(floor((self.geo['ymax'] - py - ylim) / yres)) xmin = xmin if xmin >= 0 else 0 ymin = ymin if ymin >= 0 else 0 # compute maximum x and y pixel coordinates xmax = int(ceil((px - self.geo['xmin'] + xlim) / xres)) ymax = int(ceil((self.geo['ymax'] - py + ylim) / yres)) xmax = xmax if xmax <= self.cols else self.cols ymax = ymax if ymax <= self.rows else self.rows # load array subset if self.__data[0] is not None: array = self.__data[0][ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] # print('using loaded array of size {}, ' # 'indices [{}:{}, {}:{}] (row/y, col/x)'.format(array.shape, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) else: array = self.raster.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin) # print('loading array of size {}, ' # 'indices [{}:{}, {}:{}] (row/y, col/x)'.format(array.shape, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) sum = 0 counter = 0 weightsum = 0 for x in range(xmin, xmax): for y in range(ymin, ymax): # check whether point is a valid image index val = array[y - ymin, x - xmin] if val != nodata: # compute distances of pixel center coordinate to requested point xc = x * xres + hx + self.geo['xmin'] yc = self.geo['ymax'] - y * yres + hy dx = abs(xc - px) dy = abs(yc - py) # check whether point lies within ellipse: if ((dx ** 2) / xlim ** 2) + ((dy ** 2) / ylim ** 2) <= 1 weight = sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) sum += val * weight weightsum += weight counter += 1 array = None if counter > 0: return sum / weightsum else: return nodata
@property def files(self): """ Returns ------- list of str a list of all absolute names of files associated with this raster data set """ fl = self.raster.GetFileList() if fl is not None: return [os.path.abspath(x) for x in fl] @property def format(self): """ Returns ------- str the name of the image format """ return self.driver.ShortName @property def geo(self): """ General image geo information. Returns ------- dict a dictionary with keys `xmin`, `xmax`, `xres`, `rotation_x`, `ymin`, `ymax`, `yres`, `rotation_y` """ out = dict(zip(['xmin', 'xres', 'rotation_x', 'ymax', 'rotation_y', 'yres'], self.raster.GetGeoTransform())) # note: yres is negative! out['xmax'] = out['xmin'] + out['xres'] * self.cols out['ymin'] = out['ymax'] + out['yres'] * self.rows return out @property def geogcs(self): """ Returns ------- str or None an identifier of the geographic coordinate system """ return self.srs.GetAttrValue('geogcs')
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Check image integrity. Tries to compute the checksum for each raster layer and returns False if this fails. See this forum entry: `How to check if image is valid? <>`_. Returns ------- bool is the file valid? """ for i in range(self.raster.RasterCount): try: checksum = self.raster.GetRasterBand(i + 1).Checksum() except RuntimeError: return False return True
[docs] def layers(self): """ Returns ------- list[osgeo.gdal.Band] a list containing a :class:`osgeo.gdal.Band` object for each image band """ return [self.raster.GetRasterBand(band) for band in range(1, self.bands + 1)]
[docs] def load(self): """ load all raster data to internal memory arrays. This shortens the read time of other methods like :meth:`matrix`. """ for i in range(1, self.bands + 1): self.__data[i - 1] = self.matrix(i)
[docs] def matrix(self, band=1, mask_nan=True): """ read a raster band (subset) into a numpy ndarray Parameters ---------- band: int the band to read the matrix from; 1-based indexing mask_nan: bool convert nodata values to :obj:`numpy.nan`? As :obj:`numpy.nan` requires at least float values, any integer array is cast to float32. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the matrix (subset) of the selected band """ # determine whether the current data type can hold np.nan buf_type = Dtype(self.dtype).gdalint if mask_nan and not np.can_cast('float32', Dtype(self.dtype).numpystr): buf_type = gdal.GDT_Float32 mat = self.__data[band - 1] if mat is None: mat = self.raster.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray(buf_type=buf_type) if mask_nan: if isinstance(self.nodata, list): nodata = self.nodata[band - 1] else: nodata = self.nodata mat[mat == nodata] = np.nan return mat
@property def nodata(self): """ Returns ------- float or list the raster nodata value(s) """ nodatas = [self.raster.GetRasterBand(i).GetNoDataValue() for i in range(1, self.bands + 1)] if len(list(set(nodatas))) == 1: return nodatas[0] else: return nodatas @property def projcs(self): """ Returns ------- str or None an identifier of the projected coordinate system; If the CRS is not projected `None` is returned """ return self.srs.GetAttrValue('projcs') if self.srs.IsProjected() else None @property def projection(self): """ Returns ------- str the CRS Well Known Text (WKT) description """ return self.raster.GetProjection() @property def proj4(self): """ Returns ------- str the CRS PROJ4 description """ try: return crsConvert(self.projection, 'proj4') except TypeError: return None @property def proj4args(self): """ Returns ------- dict the PROJ4 string arguments as a dictionary """ args = [x.split('=') for x in re.split('[+ ]+', self.proj4) if len(x) > 0] return dict([(x[0], None) if len(x) == 1 else tuple(x) for x in args]) @property def res(self): """ the raster resolution in x and y direction Returns ------- tuple (xres, yres) """ return (abs(float(self.geo['xres'])), abs(float(self.geo['yres'])))
[docs] def rescale(self, fun): """ perform raster computations with custom functions and assign them to the existing raster object in memory Parameters ---------- fun: function the custom function to compute on the data Examples -------- >>> with Raster('filename') as ras: >>> ras.rescale(lambda x: 10 * x) """ if self.bands != 1: raise ValueError('only single band images are currently supported') # load array mat = self.matrix() # scale values scaled = fun(mat) # assign newly computed array to raster object self.assign(scaled, band=0)
@property def rows(self): """ Returns ------- int the number of image rows """ return self.raster.RasterYSize @property def srs(self): """ Returns ------- osgeo.osr.SpatialReference the spatial reference system of the data set. """ return osr.SpatialReference(wkt=self.projection)
[docs] def write(self, outname, dtype='default', format='GTiff', nodata='default', overwrite=False, cmap=None, update=False, xoff=0, yoff=0, array=None, options=None, overviews=None, overview_resampling='AVERAGE'): """ write the raster object to a file. Parameters ---------- outname: str the file to be written dtype: str the data type of the written file; data type notations of GDAL (e.g. `Float32`) and numpy (e.g. `int8`) are supported. format: str the file format; e.g. 'GTiff' nodata: int or float the nodata value to write to the file overwrite: bool overwrite an already existing file? Only applies if `update` is `False`. cmap: osgeo.gdal.ColorTable a color map to apply to each band. Can for example be created with function :func:`~spatialist.auxil.cmap_mpl2gdal`. update: bool open the output file for update or only for writing? xoff: int the x/column offset yoff: int the y/row offset array: numpy.ndarray write different data than that associated with the Raster object options: list[str] or None a list of options for creating the output dataset via :meth:`osgeo.gdal.Driver.Create`. For drivers `GTiff` and `COG`, TIFF tags can also be defined, which are then written to the file using :meth:`osgeo.gdal.MajorObject.SetMetadataItem`. For example ``TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=spatialist``. overviews: list[int] or None a list of integer overview levels to be created; see :meth:`osgeo.gdal.Dataset.BuildOverviews`. overview_resampling: str the resampling to use for creating the overviews Returns ------- """ if outname == self.filename: raise RuntimeError('overwriting the currently opened file is not supported.') update_existing = update and os.path.isfile(outname) dtype = Dtype(self.dtype if dtype == 'default' else dtype).gdalint if options is None: options = [] tifftags = [x for x in options if x.startswith('TIFFTAG_')] create_options = [x for x in options if not x.startswith('TIFFTAG_')] if not update_existing: if os.path.isfile(outname) and not overwrite: raise RuntimeError('target file already exists') if format in ['GTiff', 'COG'] and not'\.tif[f]*$', outname): outname += '.tif' nodata = self.nodata if nodata == 'default' else nodata if format == 'COG': outname_tmp = '/vsimem/' + os.path.basename(outname) + '.vrt' driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') outDataset = driver.Create(outname_tmp, self.cols, self.rows, self.bands, dtype, options=[]) else: driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format) outDataset = driver.Create(outname, self.cols, self.rows, self.bands, dtype, create_options) outDataset.SetMetadata(self.raster.GetMetadata()) gt_keys = ['xmin', 'xres', 'rotation_x', 'ymax', 'rotation_y', 'yres'] outDataset.SetGeoTransform([self.geo[x] for x in gt_keys]) if self.projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(self.projection) else: outDataset = gdal.Open(outname, GA_Update) for i in range(1, self.bands + 1): outband = outDataset.GetRasterBand(i) if not update_existing: if cmap is None: inband = self.raster.GetRasterBand(i) colmap = inband.GetRasterColorTable() inband = None else: colmap = cmap try: outband.SetRasterColorTable(colmap) except RuntimeError as e: if cmap is not None: warnings.warn(str(e)) else: pass if nodata is not None: outband.SetNoDataValue(nodata) if array is None: mat = self.matrix(band=i) else: if len(array.shape) == 3: mat = array[:, :, i - 1] else: mat = array dtype_mat = str(mat.dtype) dtype_ras = Dtype(dtype).numpystr if not np.can_cast(dtype_mat, dtype_ras): message = "writing band {}: unsafe casting from type {} to {}" warnings.warn(message.format(i, dtype_mat, dtype_ras)) if nodata is not None: print('converting nan to nodata value {}'.format(nodata)) mat[np.isnan(mat)] = nodata mat = mat.astype(dtype_ras) outband.WriteArray(mat, xoff, yoff) del mat outband.FlushCache() if format in ['GTiff', 'COG']: for tag in tifftags: outDataset.SetMetadataItem(*tag.split('=')) if 'TIFFTAG_DATETIME' not in tifftags: time = strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) outDataset.SetMetadataItem('TIFFTAG_DATETIME', time) if overviews: outDataset.BuildOverviews(overview_resampling, overviews) if format == 'COG': driver_cog = gdal.GetDriverByName('COG') outDataset_cog = driver_cog.CreateCopy(outname, outDataset, strict=1, options=create_options) outDataset_cog = None driver_cog = None outband = None outDataset = None driver = None if format == 'ENVI': hdrfile = os.path.splitext(outname)[0] + '.hdr' with HDRobject(hdrfile) as hdr: hdr.band_names = self.bandnames hdr.write()
# def reduce(self, outname=None, format='ENVI'): # """ # remove all lines and columns containing only no data values # # Args: # outname: # format: # # Returns: # # """ # if self.bands != 1: # raise ValueError('only single band images supported') # # stats = self.allstats[0] # # if stats[0] == stats[1]: # raise ValueError('file does not contain valid pixels') # # # load raster layer into an array # mat = self.matrix() # # mask1 = ~np.all(mat == self.nodata, axis=0) # mask2 = ~np.all(mat == self.nodata, axis=1) # mask1_l = mask1.tolist() # mask2_l = mask2.tolist() # # left = mask1_l.index(True) # cols = len(mask1_l) - mask1_l[::-1].index(True) - left # top = mask2_l.index(True) # rows = len(mask2_l) - mask2_l[::-1].index(True) - top # # mat = mat[mask2, :] # mat = mat[:, mask1] # # if outname is None: # self.assign(mat, dim=[left, top, cols, rows], index=0) # else: # self.write(outname, dim=[left, top, cols, rows], format=format)
[docs] def png(src, dst, percent=10, scale=(2, 98), vmin=None, vmax=None, worldfile=False, nodata=None): """ convert a raster image to png. The input raster must either have one or three bands to create a grey scale or RGB image respectively. Parameters ---------- src: Raster the input raster image to be converted dst: str the output png file name percent: int the size of the png relative to `src` scale: tuple or None the percentile bounds as (min, max) for scaling the values of the input image or `None` to not apply any scaling. Overridden by `vmin` and `vmax` if both are not `None`. vmin: int or float or None the minimum value used for image scaling. vmax: int or float or None the maximum value used for image scaling. worldfile: bool create a world file (extension .wld)? nodata: int or None The no data value to write to the file. All pixels with this value will be transparent. Notes ----- Currently it is not possible to control what happens with values outside of the percentile range defined by `scale`. Therefore, if e.g. `nodata` is set to 0, all values below the lower percentile will be marked as 0 and will thus be transparent in the image. On the other hand if `nodata` is 255, all values higher than the upper percentile will be transparent. This is addressed in GDAL issue `#1825 <>`_. Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> from spatialist.raster import Raster, png >>> src = 'src.tif' >>> dst = 'dst.png' >>> with Raster(src) as ras: >>> png(src=ras, dst=dst, percent=10, scale=(2, 98), worldfile=True) """ if not isinstance(src, Raster): raise TypeError("'src' must be of type Raster") if src.bands not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError("'src' needs to have either 1 or 3 bands") if not dst.endswith('.png'): dst += '.png' options = dict() options['format'] = 'PNG' options['outputType'] = gdal.GDT_Byte options['widthPct'] = percent options['heightPct'] = percent options['noData'] = nodata if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: scaleParams = [] for band in range(src.bands): scaleParams.append([vmin, vmax, 0, 255]) options['scaleParams'] = scaleParams elif scale is not None: scaleParams = [] for band in range(src.bands): mat = src.matrix(band + 1) lower, upper = np.nanpercentile(mat, scale) scaleParams.append([lower, upper, 0, 255]) options['scaleParams'] = scaleParams if worldfile: options['options'] = ['-co', 'WORLDFILE=YES'] gdal_translate(src=src.raster, dst=dst, **options)
[docs] def rasterize(vectorobject, reference, outname=None, burn_values=1, expressions=None, nodata=0, append=False): """ rasterize a vector object Parameters ---------- vectorobject: Vector the vector object to be rasterized reference: Raster a reference Raster object to retrieve geo information and extent from outname: str or None the name of the GeoTiff output file; if None, an in-memory object of type :class:`Raster` is returned and parameter outname is ignored burn_values: int or list the values to be written to the raster file expressions: list SQL expressions to filter the vector object by attributes nodata: int or float or None the nodata value of the target raster file append: bool if the output file already exists, update this file with new rasterized values? If True and the output file exists, parameters `reference` and `nodata` are ignored. Returns ------- Raster or None if outname is `None`, a raster object pointing to an in-memory dataset else `None` Example ------- >>> from spatialist import Vector, Raster, rasterize >>> outname1 = 'target1.tif' >>> outname2 = 'target2.tif' >>> with Vector('source.shp') as vec: >>> with Raster('reference.tif') as ref: >>> burn_values = [1, 2] >>> expressions = ['ATTRIBUTE=1', 'ATTRIBUTE=2'] >>> rasterize(vec, reference, outname1, burn_values, expressions) >>> expressions = ["ATTRIBUTE2='a'", "ATTRIBUTE2='b'"] >>> rasterize(vec, reference, outname2, burn_values, expressions) """ if expressions is None: expressions = [''] if isinstance(burn_values, (int, float)): burn_values = [burn_values] if len(expressions) != len(burn_values): raise RuntimeError('expressions and burn_values of different length') failed = [] for exp in expressions: try: vectorobject.layer.SetAttributeFilter(exp) except RuntimeError: failed.append(exp) if len(failed) > 0: raise RuntimeError('failed to set the following attribute filter(s): ["{}"]'.format('", '.join(failed))) if append and outname is not None and os.path.isfile(outname): target_ds = gdal.Open(outname, GA_Update) else: if not isinstance(reference, Raster): raise RuntimeError("parameter 'reference' must be of type Raster") if outname is not None: target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(outname, reference.cols, reference.rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) else: target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', reference.cols, reference.rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) target_ds.SetGeoTransform(reference.raster.GetGeoTransform()) target_ds.SetProjection(reference.raster.GetProjection()) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) if nodata is not None: band.SetNoDataValue(nodata) band.FlushCache() band = None for expression, value in zip(expressions, burn_values): vectorobject.layer.SetAttributeFilter(expression) gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], vectorobject.layer, burn_values=[value]) vectorobject.layer.SetAttributeFilter('') if outname is None: return Raster(target_ds) else: target_ds = None
def reproject(rasterobject, reference, outname, targetres=None, resampling='bilinear', format='GTiff'): """ reproject a raster file Parameters ---------- rasterobject: Raster or str the raster image to be reprojected reference: Raster, Vector, str, int or osr.SpatialReference either a projection string or a spatial object with an attribute 'projection' outname: str the name of the output file targetres: tuple the output resolution in the target SRS; a two-entry tuple is required: (xres, yres) resampling: str the resampling algorithm to be used format: str the output file format Returns ------- """ if isinstance(rasterobject, str): rasterobject = Raster(rasterobject) if not isinstance(rasterobject, Raster): raise RuntimeError('rasterobject must be of type Raster or str') if isinstance(reference, (Raster, Vector)): projection = reference.projection if targetres is not None: xres, yres = targetres elif hasattr(reference, 'res'): xres, yres = reference.res else: raise RuntimeError('parameter targetres is missing and cannot be read from the reference') elif isinstance(reference, (int, str, osr.SpatialReference)): try: projection = crsConvert(reference, 'proj4') except TypeError: raise RuntimeError('reference projection cannot be read') if targetres is None: raise RuntimeError('parameter targetres is missing and cannot be read from the reference') else: xres, yres = targetres else: raise TypeError('reference must be of type Raster, Vector, osr.SpatialReference, str or int') options = {'format': format, 'resampleAlg': resampling, 'xRes': xres, 'yRes': yres, 'srcNodata': rasterobject.nodata, 'dstNodata': rasterobject.nodata, 'dstSRS': projection} gdalwarp(src=rasterobject.raster, dst=outname, **options) # todo improve speed until aborting when all target files already exist
[docs] def stack(srcfiles, dstfile, resampling, targetres, dstnodata, srcnodata=None, shapefile=None, layernames=None, sortfun=None, separate=False, overwrite=False, compress=True, cores=4, pbar=False): """ function for mosaicking, resampling and stacking of multiple raster files Parameters ---------- srcfiles: list a list of file names or a list of lists; each sub-list is treated as a task to mosaic its containing files dstfile: str the destination file or a directory (if `separate` is True) resampling: {near, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode, max, min, med, Q1, Q3} the resampling method; see `documentation of gdalwarp <>`_. targetres: tuple or list two entries for x and y spatial resolution in units of the source CRS srcnodata: int, float or None the nodata value of the source files; if left at the default (None), the nodata values are read from the files dstnodata: int or float the nodata value of the destination file(s) shapefile: str, Vector or None a shapefile for defining the spatial extent of the destination files layernames: list the names of the output layers; if `None`, the basenames of the input files are used; overrides sortfun sortfun: function a function for sorting the input files; not used if layernames is not None. This is first used for sorting the items in each sub-list of srcfiles; the basename of the first item in a sub-list will then be used as the name for the mosaic of this group. After mosaicing, the function is again used for sorting the names in the final output (only relevant if `separate` is False) separate: bool should the files be written to a single raster stack (ENVI format) or separate files (GTiff format)? overwrite: bool overwrite the file if it already exists? compress: bool compress the geotiff files? cores: int the number of CPU threads to use pbar: bool add a progressbar? This is currently only used if `separate==False` Returns ------- Raises ------ RuntimeError Notes ----- This function does not reproject any raster files. Thus, the CRS must be the same for all input raster files. This is checked prior to executing gdalwarp. In case a shapefile is defined, it is internally reprojected to the raster CRS prior to retrieving its extent. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from pyroSAR.ancillary import groupbyTime, find_datasets, seconds from spatialist.raster import stack # find pyroSAR files by metadata attributes archive_s1 = '/.../sentinel1/GRD/processed' scenes_s1 = find_datasets(archive_s1, sensor=('S1A', 'S1B'), acquisition_mode='IW') # group images by acquisition time groups = groupbyTime(images=scenes_s1, function=seconds, time=30) # mosaic individual groups and stack the mosaics to a single ENVI file # only files overlapping with the shapefile are selected and resampled to its extent stack(srcfiles=groups, dstfile='stack', resampling='bilinear', targetres=(20, 20), srcnodata=-99, dstnodata=-99, shapefile='site.shp', separate=False) """ srcfiles = srcfiles.copy() # perform some checks on the input data if len(dissolve(srcfiles)) == 0: raise RuntimeError('no input files provided to function raster.stack') if layernames is not None: if len(layernames) != len(srcfiles): raise RuntimeError('mismatch between number of source file groups and layernames') if not isinstance(targetres, (list, tuple)) or len(targetres) != 2: raise RuntimeError('targetres must be a list or tuple with two entries for x and y resolution') if len(srcfiles) == 1 and not isinstance(srcfiles[0], list): raise RuntimeError('only one file specified; nothing to be done') if resampling not in ['near', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubicspline', 'lanczos', 'average', 'mode', 'max', 'min', 'med', 'Q1', 'Q3']: raise RuntimeError('resampling method not supported') if os.path.isfile(dstfile) and not separate and not overwrite: raise RuntimeError('the output file already exists') if not separate and os.path.isdir(dstfile): raise RuntimeError("'dstfile' is an existing directory, cannot write stack with same name") ########################################################################################## # check if the projection can be read from all images and whether all share the same projection projections = list() for x in dissolve(srcfiles): try: projection = Raster(x).projection except RuntimeError as e: print('cannot read file: {}'.format(x)) raise e projections.append(projection) projections = list(set(projections)) if len(projections) > 1: raise RuntimeError('raster projection mismatch') elif projections[0] == '': raise RuntimeError('could not retrieve the projection from any of the {} input images'.format(len(srcfiles))) else: srs = projections[0] ########################################################################################## # read shapefile bounding coordinates and reduce list of images to those overlapping with the shapefile if shapefile is not None: shp = shapefile.clone() if isinstance(shapefile, Vector) else Vector(shapefile) shp.reproject(srs) ext = shp.extent arg_ext = (ext['xmin'], ext['ymin'], ext['xmax'], ext['ymax']) for i, item in enumerate(srcfiles): group = item if isinstance(item, list) else [item] if layernames is None and sortfun is not None: group = sorted(group, key=sortfun) group = [x for x in group if intersect(shp, Raster(x).bbox())] if len(group) > 1: srcfiles[i] = group elif len(group) == 1: srcfiles[i] = group[0] else: srcfiles[i] = None shp.close() srcfiles = list(filter(None, srcfiles)) log.debug('number of scenes after spatial filtering: {}'.format(len(srcfiles))) else: arg_ext = None ########################################################################################## # set general options and parametrization dst_base = os.path.splitext(dstfile)[0] options_warp = {'options': ['-q'], 'format': 'GTiff' if separate else 'ENVI', 'outputBounds': arg_ext, 'multithread': True, 'dstNodata': dstnodata, 'xRes': targetres[0], 'yRes': targetres[1], 'resampleAlg': resampling} if overwrite: options_warp['options'] += ['-overwrite'] if separate and compress: options_warp['options'] += ['-co', 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE', '-co', 'PREDICTOR=2'] options_buildvrt = {'outputBounds': arg_ext} if srcnodata is not None: options_warp['srcNodata'] = srcnodata options_buildvrt['srcNodata'] = srcnodata ########################################################################################## # create VRT files for mosaicing # the resulting list srcfiles will contain either a single image or a newly created VRT file # and thus each list item is one time step in the final stack for i, group in enumerate(srcfiles): if isinstance(group, list): if len(group) > 1: base = group[0] # in-memory VRT files cannot be shared between multiple processes on Windows # this has to do with different process forking behaviour # see function spatialist.ancillary.multicore and this link: # vrt_base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(base))[0] + '.vrt' if platform.system() == 'Windows': vrt = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), vrt_base) else: vrt = '/vsimem/' + vrt_base gdalbuildvrt(src=group, dst=vrt, **options_buildvrt) srcfiles[i] = vrt else: srcfiles[i] = group[0] else: srcfiles[i] = group ########################################################################################## # define the output band names # if no specific layernames are defined, sort files by custom function if layernames is None and sortfun is not None: srcfiles = sorted(srcfiles, key=sortfun) # use the file basenames without extension as band names if none are defined bandnames = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0] for x in srcfiles] if layernames is None else layernames if len(list(set(bandnames))) != len(bandnames): raise RuntimeError('output bandnames are not unique') ########################################################################################## # create the actual image files if separate: if not os.path.isdir(dstfile): os.makedirs(dstfile) dstfiles = [os.path.join(dstfile, x) + '.tif' for x in bandnames] jobs = [x for x in zip(srcfiles, dstfiles)] if not overwrite: jobs = [x for x in jobs if not os.path.isfile(x[1])] if len(jobs) == 0: print('all target tiff files already exist, nothing to be done') return srcfiles, dstfiles = map(list, zip(*jobs)) log.debug('creating {} separate file(s):\n {}'.format(len(dstfiles), '\n '.join(dstfiles))) multicore(gdalwarp, cores=cores, **options_warp, multiargs={'src': srcfiles, 'dst': dstfiles}) else: if len(srcfiles) == 1: options_warp['format'] = 'GTiff' if not dstfile.endswith('.tif'): dstfile = os.path.splitext(dstfile)[0] + '.tif' log.debug('creating file: {}'.format(dstfile)) gdalwarp(src=srcfiles[0], dst=dstfile, **options_warp) else: # create VRT for stacking vrt = '/vsimem/' + os.path.basename(dst_base) + '.vrt' options_buildvrt['options'] = ['-separate'] gdalbuildvrt(src=srcfiles, dst=vrt, **options_buildvrt) # increase the number of threads for gdalwarp computations options_warp['options'].extend(['-wo', 'NUM_THREADS={}'.format(cores)]) log.debug('creating file: {}'.format(dstfile)) gdalwarp(src=vrt, dst=dstfile, pbar=pbar, **options_warp) # edit ENVI HDR files to contain specific layer names hdrfile = os.path.splitext(dstfile)[0] + '.hdr' with envi.HDRobject(hdrfile) as hdr: hdr.band_names = bandnames hdr.write()
[docs] class Dtype(object): """ Convert between different data type representations. After initialization, other representations can be obtained from the object attributes `gdalint`, `gdalstr` and `numpystr`. Parameters ---------- dtype: int or str the input data type. Currently supported: - GDAL integer, e.g. 1 as obtained from `from osgeo.gdalconst import GDT_Byte` - GDAL string, e.g. 'Byte' - numpy string, e.g. 'uint8' Examples -------- >>> from spatialist.raster import Dtype >>> print(Dtype('Byte').numpystr) 'uint8' """ def __init__(self, dtype): if isinstance(dtype, int): if dtype in self.numpy2gdalint.values(): self.gdalint = dtype self.numpystr = self.gdalint2numpystr[self.gdalint] self.gdalstr = self.gdalint2gdalstr[self.gdalint] elif isinstance(dtype, str): if dtype in self.gdalstr2gdalint.keys(): self.gdalstr = dtype self.gdalint = self.gdalstr2gdalint[self.gdalstr] self.numpystr = self.gdalint2numpystr[self.gdalint] elif dtype in self.numpy2gdalint.keys(): self.numpystr = dtype self.gdalint = self.numpy2gdalint[self.numpystr] self.gdalstr = self.gdalint2gdalstr[self.gdalint] else: raise TypeError('data type identifier must be of type int or str') required = ['gdalint', 'gdalstr', 'numpystr'] if sum([x in dir(self) for x in required]) != len(required): raise ValueError('unknown data type identifier') @property def numpy2gdalint(self): """ create a dictionary for mapping numpy data types to GDAL data type codes Returns ------- dict the type map """ if not hasattr(self, '__numpy2gdalint'): tmap = {} for group in ['int', 'uint', 'float', 'complex']: for dtype in np.sctypes[group]: code = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(dtype) if code is not None: tmap[dtype()] = code self.__numpy2gdalint = tmap return self.__numpy2gdalint @property def gdalstr2gdalint(self): map = [] for key in self.gdalint2numpystr.keys(): map.append((gdal.GetDataTypeName(key), key)) return dict(map) @property def gdalint2numpystr(self): code = 1 map = [] while True: out = gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(code) if out is None: break else: map.append((code, out() code += 1 return dict(map) @property def gdalint2gdalstr(self): map = [] for key in self.gdalint2numpystr.keys(): map.append((key, gdal.GetDataTypeName(key))) return dict(map)
[docs] def apply_along_time(src, dst, func1d, nodata, format, cmap=None, maxlines=None, cores=8, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply a time series computation to a 3D raster stack using multiple CPUs. The stack is read in chunks of maxlines x columns x time steps, for which the result is computed and stored in a 2D output array. After finishing the computation for all chunks, the output array is written to the specified file. Notes ----- It is intended to directly write the computation result of each chunk to the output file respectively so that no unnecessary memory is used for storing the complete result. This however first requires some restructuring of the method :meth:`spatialist.Raster.write`. Parameters ---------- src: Raster the source raster data dst: str the output file in GeoTiff format func1d: function the function to be applied over a single time series 1D array nodata: int the nodata value to write to the output file format: str the output file format, e.g. 'GTiff' cmap: gdal.ColorTable a color table to write to the resulting file; see :func:`spatialist.auxil.cmap_mpl2gdal` for creation options. maxlines: int the maximum number of lines to read at once. Controls the amount of memory used. cores: int the number of parallel cores args: any Additional arguments to `func1d`. kwargs:any Additional named arguments to `func1d`. See Also -------- :func:`spatialist.ancillary.parallel_apply_along_axis` Returns ------- """ rows, cols, bands = src.dim if maxlines is None or maxlines > rows: maxlines = rows start = 0 stop = start + maxlines while start < rows: print('processing lines {0}:{1}'.format(start, stop)) with src[start:stop, :, :] as sub: arr = sub.array() out = parallel_apply_along_axis(func1d=func1d, axis=2, arr=arr, cores=cores, *args, **kwargs) with src[:, :, 0] as ref: ref.write(outname=dst, nodata=nodata, dtype='float32', format=format, cmap=cmap, yoff=start, array=out, update=True) start += maxlines stop += maxlines if stop > rows: stop = rows